Lamar State College Port Arthur Foundation

About Us

Students standing with an instructor.

Welcome to The Port Arthur
Higher Education Foundation

The Port Arthur Higher Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed in 1973. Its purpose is to promote the arts, sciences and academic programs of Port Arthur College, which later became Lamar State College Port Arthur.

The Foundation’s early role included assisting the College in acquiring property surrounding the campus and in making special contributions, such as providing $125,000 to purchase books for the Gates Memorial Library after city voters donated the library to the College.

The Foundation’s current primary purpose is to administer more than $6 million in permanently endowed scholarships for Lamar State College Port Arthur students. The awards bear the names of longtime community members, celebrities and local social and civic clubs, including Robert Rauschenberg, H.S. and Bernice B. Anderson, Lloyd and Joe Hayes, Sydalise Fredeman, G.W. Bailey and the Port Arthur Rotary Club.

A 15-member board of directors comprised of community and education leaders administers the foundation according to established by-laws. Lamar State College Port Arthur receives applications for the Foundation’s scholarships, which may be awarded based on academic merit, financial need, or both. 

Scholarships Awarded in 2020
$ 0
LSCPA Enrollment Since 2016
LSCPA Scholarships
Students on Financial Aid in 20-21
0 %
scholarship stories

Cultivating tomorrow's leaders

Juan Rodriguez
media specialist

Juan is a 2016 graduate of LSCPA. He served in the Student Government Association and earned a degree in business. He is currently working for the State of Texas in Austin as a Creative Media Specialist. 

Roosevelt Petry Jr.

Under the leadership of President and CEO Roosevelt Petry, Jr., GP Industrial Contractors, Inc. has a stellar reputation for a true commitment to serving with pride and skill.  This general contractor and labor service company goes by the motto, “Partnering to Build Alliances for a Better Future.”

Martin Williams

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Get in touch

872 Arch Ave.
Chaska, Palo Alto, CA 55318
[email protected]
ph: +1.123.434.965

Work inquiries

[email protected]
ph: +1.321.989.645